The proposed project includes a climbing bicycle lane on the south side of Nutley as described and shown in the map here:
If this link does not work, please go to the Transportation Safety Commission page here:
and click the link at the bottom of the page for Marshall Road SW Traffic Calming and Pedestrian/Bicycle Improvements.
Please consider emailing your support or comments to:
or if possible attend the meeting Monday night that begins at 8 pm. The Council chambers are on the second floor of Town Hall.
Town Council meeting agendas are usually posted the Friday before a meeting. There may be more details about this agenda item posted at that time.
1 comment:
I sent the comment below:
I would like to provide comments on the Marshall Road SW Pedestrian Improvements and Traffic Calming. I bike commute to Rockville for work. I am a professional engineer and work for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. I am also a Cat 1 road racer and routinely compete in bike races throughout the nation.
1. I do not agree with installing the curb and gutter bump‐out on the southern side of the Ware Street intersection as shown below:
Montgomery County has installed a few of these near my office at White Flint and these "bump outs" force cars, and unfortunatly, cyclists into a narrow funnel. They are dangerous because most people who drive are distracted and the bump outs will cause them to swerve. I have had this happen to me many times near my office since they installed these bump outs and I have almost been hit by a car many times.
2. Why are you only putting a short "bike climbing lane" on this street? Would you install a road that stopped at a train track? Bike lanes only work if they connect to other bike lanes or bike trails. Please consider extending the bike lane.
Thank you,
Ian Spivack
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