Yesterday's news carried the story of Governor Warner's fall while on Bike Virginia and the broken bones in his hand. The description of the accident had me thinking of the accidents that I've seen or in which I've been involved.
When we ride a bicycle we need to be careful and alert. It takes but a moment for situations to arise which necessitate good decisions and quick reaction. No matter what age and no matter what level of experience we need to anticipate dangerous situations and take action to reduce the opportunity for an accident.
The joy and exhilaration of riding a bike is wonderful. We need to be careful while we're riding.
I hope you ride your bike today. I hope Governor Warner has a speedy recovery.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Sunday, June 26, 2005
A New generation
Yesterday Cyrus arrived with the race to the hospital and lots of good family stories for the future. I closed up early so Ces and I could drive to Richmond to meet him. The photo shows Cyrus and I getting acquainted. I'd donned my glasses to count fingers and toes. I was also trying to figure out which features came from which sides of his families.
There is joy in the birth of a baby. There is perspective to be gained. I hope to enjoy many hours with Cyrus.
Monday, June 13, 2005
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
The Washington Consumer Checkbook (Summer/Fall 2005) has a detailed article on buying and maintaining a bicycle. We did well in the ratings. They rated forty establishments in the greater Washington area and in all categories bikes@vienna was a leader in the number of customers who rated us "superior". That earned us Checkbook's top rating for "sales service quality" and "repair quality".
I want to thank all our customers who provided information for this rating process. I was gratified by the higher number of bikes@vienna customers who submitted ratings. It takes time to participate and I was thrilled to see how many people took the time to rate us.
My heartfelt thank you.......
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Bike Friday Cross Country Ride - Last State
For those of you who have not been following her progress, the Queen of the Road has nearly completed her cross-country bike ride on the Air Glide Bike Friday that she purchased from us a few months ago. She's had an interesting trip, as does everyone who takes on this challenge, which for many is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. We wish her well on her last days of riding across Florida.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
Offers Worth Considering
Originally uploaded by bikes@vienna.
We received this flyer and I wanted to make certain that you were able to consider the possibilities. The offer is for free guided bike rides along the C&O Canal. There are actually ten or eleven rides during the course of the summer. The rides range from two hour trips to riding the whole canal. I think these would be wonderful. Please click on the flyer and you will get a larger version and then a click on the magnifying glass get a bigger look.
Just in case, the flyer asked you to call 202.653.5190 for more information.