On May 1, 2006 the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors voted to include $465,000 in the 2007 budget to fund a bicycle coordinator position, a bicycle plan and bicycle map of the county. Thanks to the hard work of Fairfax Advocates for Better Bicycling, Eric Gilliland of WABA, and WABA members for making this happen. More information will be forthcoming on the
FABB Web site, including how you can get involved to help produce the bike plan and map.
This is a great step forward for the county. Most other local jurisdictions currently have bicycle coordinators and bike maps. The maps will help county cyclists find bike-friendly routes throughout the county. As the W&OD Trail gets more and more crowded each year, it will be necessary for cyclists to explore other bike routes. Many of us know our local routes, but there is not good, detailed map of county bike routes. The bike coordinator will ensure that the needs of bicyclists are addressed in major development and road projects in the future.
There will also be public meetings during the production of the bike plan where cyclists can help document existing routes and identify gaps in the potential bike network. Check the FABB Web site for updates.