Hey gang!
The holiday season is here, so now is the perfect time to come in and get a bikes@vienna gift certificate for those folks on your "nice" list!
We offer general-purpose certificates, made out to any denomination, personalized for the recipient, and valid for any purchase at the store.
Now we are also offering "Tuneup Certificates", good for the LABOR charges only, for a "standard tuneup" here at bikes@vienna. A standard tuneup covers a wipe-down and inspection of the frame and wheels, adjustment of the brake and gear systems, wheel truing, and adjustment of any bearing assemblies that require adjustment. Any parts needed would be at additional cost. These certificates sell for $70, the current charge for a standard tuneup. We anticipate having to raise our labor charges after the first of the year, but the certificate will still cover the full labor charge of a tuneup, regardless. The only catch is that the bearer of the certificate must use it by April 1st, 2011. This will hopefully reduce the mad rush we typically get in April, and make it more likely the gift recipient will get their bike back quickly!
So come on in and take care of your holiday shopping today!
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