Sunday, March 01, 2009

Fantastic Friday Event

Friday we packed the trailer and van with cycling equipment and drove to the Gum Springs Rec Center off US 1 in the southeastern section of Fairfax County to participate in a Fantastic Friday event organized by the Fairfax County Therapeutic Recreation Services for families with Autistic children.  The slide show that Ces has created does a better job of telling the story than I can with words.  Please notice the smiles.  

I learned from our participation in this event.  The Kidz Tandem was perhaps the best cycling equipment for a high number of those families.  With the child in front the Kidz Tandem gives the adult better control of the riding situation.  I had a young rider bail off while I was riding with him on the Bike Friday Family Tandem.  The Kidz Tandem is easier to transport than our side by side or the trikes connected in tandem.  The only draw back is the cycling ability of the adult.  For some people it takes time to adjust to the balance and length of the Kidz Tandem.  With excited young participants we did not always have the time to work with the adult and settle their concerns.

It was a good event.  My thanks to the Fairfax County Therapeutic Services for the opportunity to participate.

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