Monday, December 12, 2011

A heartwarming project

Now and then we get a bike in for service that has a story to it, and those are always a fun experience for both the owner and us.

Well, recently we were asked to fix up the little bike you see to the left here. It's an unusual bike in its own right, being a child's bike built with lugs, in the mixte frame style (two thin sloping top tubes). I've never laid eyes on such a bike before. It was clearly very well made, a quality bicycle, and very stylish with an elaborate, yet classy paint scheme. And look at the fenders and chain guard! The bike was made in Switzerland in the 70s, and while it arrived a bit grungy with dried out tires, you can see it cleaned up really well, and looks great.

What takes it beyond being merely "another pretty bike" is the story behind it. The fellow who brought it in to us told us his parents had bought it for him from the Jean Brun shop in Geneva, Switzerland, when he was a little boy in the 70s. He was bringing it to us to fix up so his own son could now ride it! Needless to say, we were happy and honored to be a part of the project, resurrecting a fine old bike for the next generation.

One challenge right off was the tires... a size never marketed in the US, as near as I can tell, and difficult to find even in Europe, where they were primarily used on Dutch bikes, I think. Some sleuthing on the part of the father ensued, and one day he arrived with brand new Michelins, shipped from Ireland! Then it was in Daniel's hands, and he did a marvelous job of cleaning and lubing everything, making the bike ready to ride and looking great. He even managed to revive the original bell, much to everyone's surprise.

The best part of the whole project though was when the whole family came to pick up the bike when it was finished. Mom, Dad, older sister Madeleine, and of course Avi, the young boy eagerly waiting for the bike. Even the family dog, Wolfie the toy poodle came along! Everyone was really excited and happy to take part in the "unveiling"... all of my staff as well as the family were all smiles and laughter. It was a really wonderful day. We all wish Avi many, many happy adventures with his "new" bike!

You can see more photos of the bike at:  Jean Brun Bike

8 comments: said...

Thank you so much, Tim and Daniel, for doing such a wonderful job on Avi's "new" bike!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for fixing the bike up so well for my grandson. It looked great when new, and looks at least as good now. White wall tires!

Tim said...

I'm just glad that everyone is so happy about Avi's bike. It was a pleasure and a privilege to be a part of this whole experience.

Anonymous said...

I am Avi's aunt and I learned to ride on that bike too! I can't believe what a nice job you did!

Zendette said...

Great story about my cousin's bike. Thank you for posting it. Can't beat Swiss engineering! said...

Great work everyone, thank you Tim for contacting us. It's nice to see remains of my grand father work so nicely renewed and being used by todays generation. Greetings from Geneva, Jean-Philippe Brun (Jean Brun grandson)

yellowbiketales said...

It is a pleasure to see how much attention was spend to a bike similar to the one I used long time before biking across America.
Congratulations to Avi, the young owner! I wish him a great cycling-career!

Hans-Peter, Switzerland

yellowbiketales said...

It is a pleasure to see how much attention was spend to a bike similar to the one I used long time before biking across America.
Congratulations to Avi, the young owner! I wish him a great cycling-career!

Hans-Peter, Switzerland