Monday, December 15, 2008

Santa reads

Santa reads
Originally uploaded by bikes@vienna
Grandson Cyrus and I read a book yesterday, but my white beard, white hair, and typical red bikes@vienna sweatshirt made Cyrus wonder if he was interacting with Santa or Grandpa. It took him a little time to get comfortable with my appearance.

My habit of wearing a Santa hat this time of year has drawn second glances as Java and I walk to and from the store.

Ho, ho, ho.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ten Days in January --- bikes@vienna CLOSED

For months I've planned to have the store closed for a eleven day period in January (6-16). Three things are going on here. Park Tools puts on educational seminars during this period and Tim is attending sessions during this time in Philadelphia. Second, I will be in Seattle meeting my new granddaughter who should arrive any day now. Third, very little happens during this period of January during cold winters and this looks like a colder winter.

We will close our doors the evening of Monday, January 5th and reopen Saturday, January 17. If you have a bike in our care we will make every effort to get it back in your hands before January 5th.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

The wonder of the internet

I do not know Tricia. In this era of the wonder of the internet I typed in "bike video" and there was Tricia being fun and excited about her Dahon folding bike. I share it with you because so many of our customers are like Tricia. They love how their bike goes easily into the trunk of their car. They are thrilled that they can easily fold, unfold, and ride their Dahon with just a bit of practice.

Tricia, I don't know you, but I want to thank you for showing the strengths of the Dahon folders.