Sunday, January 22, 2006

Smiling Jon, a winner from the NBC4 Health & Fitness Expo

SmilingJon, originally uploaded by bikes@vienna.

This man, Jon Fisher, is smiling because he was just awarded the Dahon Boardwalk 7 that he won by participating in bikes@vienna's drawing at the NBC4 Health and Fitness Expo. Jon came out from Washington to pickup his prize and ride it on the W&OD Trail. Jon has a bike, but he was excited about owning a Dahon folder and the places he visit and ride his Dahon.

You will notice that Jon is wearing a T-shirt on the 21st of January. Our weather has been warm and it has resulted in more opportunities to ride than occur many Januarys. Both days this weekend we had lots of store visitors looking at recumbents and folding bikes. Perhaps you should come visit us and get a jump on the springtime crowd.

We are open during the winter months from 10-6 on Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. On Sunday our hours are 10-5. We're closed on Tuesday and Wednesday.